About FMTea
Formal Methods provide software engineering with tools and techniques for rigorously reasoning about the correctness of systems. While in recent years formal methods are increasingly being used in industry, university curricula are not adapting at the same pace. Some existing formal methods classes interest and challenge students, whereas others fail to ignite student motivation. We need to find ways to teach formal methods to the next generation, and doing so will require us to adapt our teaching to the 21st century students.
The FMTea workshop series aims to share experiences of teaching formal methods that have gone well, or that failed in surprising ways, as well as to develop ways to reboot the presence of formal methods in curricula. The workshops attract papers detailing experiences with FM Teaching. Papers typically discuss successes and failures of various methods, case studies, tools, etc. As self-learning seems to be an important aspect of FM teaching, we seek experiences with online teaching, including experiences with teaching formal methods via MOOCs.
The FMtea workshop series is organised by FME’s Teaching Committee.

Proceedings of the FMTea workshops are published by Springer Verlag as part of the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series. DBLP maintains an index of all FMTea workshops.
Former Workshops
The following workshops have been organized in the past or are planned in the (near) future:
- FMTea 2024: 6th Formal Methods Teaching Workshop, Milan, Italy. LNCS 14939
- FMTea 2023: 5th International Workshop on Formal Methods Teaching, Lübeck, Germany, March 2023. LNCS 13962
- FMTea 2021: 4th International Workshop and Tutorial, Beijing, China, November 2021. LNCS 13962
- FMTea 2019: 3rd Formal Methods Teaching Workshop and Tutorial, Porto, Portugal, October 2019. LNCS 13122
- TFM 2009: 2nd International FME Conference on Teaching Formal Methods, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 2009. LNCS 5846
- TFM 2004: 1st conference on Teaching Formal Methods, Ghent, Belgium, November 2004. LNCS 3294
Several related events focused on teaching aspects for Formal Methods were held in the 2000s:
- Two BCS-FACS TFM Workshops in Oxford, UK, 2003, and London, UK, 2006
- FM-Ed 2006 Workshop, Hamilton, Canada, co-located with FM 2006
- FORMED 2008 Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, co-located with ETAPS 2008
- FMET 2008 Workshop, proceedings (archived), Kitakyushu, Japan, co-located with ICFEM 2008 (archived)